Comprehensive Behavior Intervention for Tics (CBIT)

CBIT is a not medicated treatment that provides a set of tools to lessen the severity of tics.

Are tics getting in the way of your success, happiness, and well-being? Consider CBIT as a powerful tool to overcome these obstacles and live your life to the fullest.

How it Works:

CBIT Consists of 3 Components:

  1. Training the patient to be more aware of their tics and the urge to tic. 

  2. Training the patient to perform competing behaviors when they feel the urge to tic.

  3. Modifying the day-to-day activities in ways that can reduce tics.

This video demonstrates CBIT and is provided by the Tourette Association of America.

Treatment Details:

  • Eight sessions across ten weeks (more sessions if needed).

  • Each session is 60 - 90 minutes and can be in-person (depending on location) or virtual.

  • $125 per session (we require a $250 deposit before the start of the first session, which covers the cost of the first two sessions).

  • Treatment is available for individuals 8+ and older. If your child is younger than eight years, please contact us to discuss further.

If pricing is a barrier to receiving treatment, please contact us to discuss options.

Ready to get started?

If you are currently receiving ABA services you are not eligible for DDA Services at this time.

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